Neglect case at Cootamundra pound


#54 ‘Diesel’ Great DaneXRidgebackColour: TanSex: MaleDesexed: NoAge: 2-3 yearsTemperament: He jumped up a lot but apart from that was very friendly. He sat when told to and came when I called him. Didn’t mind the full body touch and was quite happy. Seems OK with other dogs but perhaps a bit too boisterous with the JRT next door. Health: This dog is underweight and is covered in scars. He is headed to the vet tomorrow as the chain collar has become embedded in his neck and it needs surgical removal.


Xena (available for adoption now)

Rescued from Queanbeyan pound in July2012.

She had given birth to 4 healthy puppies a day before BDR rescued her.

The family were fostered by Joanne and Steve until they were ready to be adopted

Xena/ then called Princess was Barney’s best friend and were adopted as a pair earlier this year. Unfortunately Xena came back in April and has since been waiting to adopted again

Pls help me find Xena her forever home



XENA (aka Princess) is my next urgent dog to rehome project

It seemed to work with Smudge and Ponto

Xena is the next Long termer on the list. Well there is Lenny and Rusty before her but I am doing some extensive behaviour modification training with them first.

So be prepared to get lots of photos and videos of miss Xena who has come such a long way from first joining BDR

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Big thank you to Kate and Alberto for the gift of treats and pigs ears for the rescue dogs on the weekend.

These are the sorts of treats we like to have handy to give our rescues to keep themselves occupied

Kate and Alberto were Tilly’s previous owners

They came out to BDR on the weekend to help out and see how Tilly is doing.

I wanted to make mention that they both deserve the PPP award….

That’s Proactive Poo Pickup award – the amount of dog poo they collected without complaining was impressive

Sorry about the amount, Our regular volunteers seem to have slowed down a bit and it does accumulate very quickly 🙂



Terrific Tilly

I just adored this girl and recall fighting for the pound to release her to me to look after.

I felt I was her voice – she was deemed ‘not for sale’ and I questioned it and pleaded they trust me to do the right thing for her.

Sooo glad I went with my gut as she is such a cherished member of her human family now. And to think she waited sooo long for them to find her.

Good things come to those who wait.



Ex BDR photo update

Tilly (ex Hawkesbury pound dog). This is another girl I need to show her transformation

We rescued her looking extremely emaciated and mangey

I’ll share the photo if you like (have shared before but it always brings a smile to my face and make me appreciate the hard work in rescue when you can see such happiness in the dogs and humans)

Thanks Babs, Mark and family for giving her a fantastic life
